"Arise and go down to the potter's
house, and there I will cause you to
hear My words." Jeremiah 18:2
The Vision
Locally, our desire is to fulfill the ministry of Christ in reaching out to a lost and dying world. We have the promise of peace, liberty and healing through the power of the Lord Jesus Christ! Our message is simple, yet it is the cornerstone of all truth, Jesus Christ is the only hope for man’s salvation. Jesus said, “The Spirit of the Lord is upon Me, because He has anointed Me to preach the gospel to the poor; he has sent Me to heal the brokenhearted, to proclaim liberty to the captives and recovery of sight to the blind, to set at liberty those who are oppressed; To proclaim the acceptable year of the Lord.” Luke 4:18‑19
On a global level, we believe the mandate of the church is to preach the Gospel throughout all the world. Jesus said, “Go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature.” One man said, “The supreme task of the church is the evangelisation of the world.” In a world filled with wars, racial tensions and economic melt down, the ageless message of God’s love for the nations still stands true today.
Maturity - Jesus looked for those who were dedicated to following Him. In two thousand years the seriousness of the church towards being discipled has deteriorated. It is our goal as a church to learn and live the truths of Scripture. We live in the last days and in an hour when the most exciting challenge in life is to be a disciple of Jesus Christ. The members of our church are not satisfied with being hearers only, but desire to be, “doers of the Word of God.” They come faithfully, give joyously, worship fervently, and witness loyally. They have found Jesus Christ to be, “... the same yesterday, today, and forever.”
Family - We believe that the family is the first foundation of God’s established order and the cornerstone of God's government. The family is torn apart when each member seeks to find fulfilment in their own way. It is our belief that a genuine church with a variety of programs and a full schedule is a tremendous unifier of the family and the foundation for a real move of God. While having a full program to reach and minister to children, we feel that the key to the family is the parents. The Bible emphasises the adult's responsibility regarding their commitment to God. If the parents are disciples of Jesus; the children will be also.
Discipleship - The churches of the New Testament copied Jesus' method of calling those whom God had chosen and training them through personal example and involvement in ministry. The book of Acts demonstrates the impact that is possible when we take Jesus’ pattern of discipleship seriously. We desire the restoration of that Biblical pattern of church growth. In the past twenty years over 130 churches have been started by this method. In each of these churches, there is a fulfilling of Christ’s command to make disciples. We believe in the functioning of the gifts of the Spirit and we challenge members of the church to find the full expression and release of their lives in whatever manner God wills.
Prayer - Daily prayer is a normal part of our church. Robbed of prayer, the church is robbed of power, direction and divine presence. We know that the Kingdom is built by God’s power, not man’s. That is why we place emphasis on touching and releasing God.
Preaching - The Bible is the guidebook of the Christian life and preaching is God’s method of bringing it to the hearts of His people. We believe that honest, direct and anointed preaching can be used by God to shake the nations. In an age of low commitment, many seek to hear a watered-down message, but it is our firm belief that God is raising up a people hungry for the meat of the Word. That is why our order of worship is centered around the preaching of the gospel.
Evangelism - Jesus has never rescinded the command, "Go ye into the all the world and preach the gospel." The fulfilling of this command brings great spiritual health. The power of the Holy Spirit is brought to bear in order to accomplish the command, and joy is released in those who obey. While many churches only talk about winning the lost, our primary goal is to lead men and women to Jesus. We put the frills of modern Christianity second to the need of bringing Good News to the lost! By obedience to this command God is glorified and honours His Word through signs, wonders, and manifestations of the gifts.
The Indigenous Church - God is returning the church to the dignity of it’s foundations. He is calling us back to our spiritual roots - the Bible. There we find that each church was a launching pad to win the world - supporting itself, discipling, training, equipping, and releasing workers into the world. Many think of the church as a dead institution or a meaningless relic, years behind the times. We believe the church is the Bride of Christ, the depository of God’s glory and the pillar and ground of truth. It is the most vital institution on planet earth. History revolves around the visible “body of Christ,” and Jesus is showing us the keys to releasing His church!